Less is More
Monday, December 3, 2018
Doesn't it feel like, sometimes, the holiday season is actually the season of MORE? More calories. More toys. More scarves, candles, Bath and Body gift sets. Certainly this isn't what good ole St. Nick had in mind?
Monday, November 12, 2018
One of the biggest challenges of motherhood is asking for help, and/or accepting help. Asking for help, for me, definitely signifies defeat. Cue the negative self-talk: I can't cut it. I am coming up short. I can't hack it. I'm a bad wife. I'm a bad mom. For a long time, this is what I heard in my own mind. Is asking for help a sign of weakness? Or, hold on, is it actually a sign of strength?
Make Your Bed
Thursday, November 1, 2018
If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. How many of you reading this make your bed every single day? I can't see you, so your answer is totally safe with me. No judgement. 💜I recently (as in, just now, 5 minutes ago on YouTube) watched Admiral William H. McRaven's commencement address given at the University of Texas Austin, 2014. It is known as the "Make Your Bed Speech". This is what he says:
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Friday, October 26, 2018
No, you're not getting a free car. But hear me out.
How can we use raise our voices to do good things? As citizens, moms, friends- whomever you are- we need to find our voices in this world and we need to use them. What do I mean by voice?
Who am I? As a Stay at Home Mom
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
This entry is less "a day in the life of", less Q&A and more about how stay at home moms ("SAHM") find their footing. More specifically, how I found my footing as a SAHM. When I became a mom in 2017 and decided to stay home, it was a difficult transition. It's a really tough time to have the "Who am I" conversation playing in your head on repeat, while navigating all the physical, emotional and mental changes that happen when you become a mom. I should note I also moved across the country while 5 months pregnant, so the changes were even more dramatic for me. I'm going to take you through some of the questions and answers I have discovered along the way.
Generational Break: Part 1
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Have you ever thought you were becoming your mother? It's that moment- you do or say something as a parent when you think, it's happening. One of my biggest insecurities in having children, aside from general fear of the unknown, was that I was going to pass on some of the less than ideal aspects of my childhood.
Three Little Words
Friday, October 12, 2018
I was listening to Rachel and Dave Hollis's Instagram live yesterday, and they had Brendon Burchard on as a guest. You may have heard of Brendon, he is the author of High Performance Habits. Rachel is the author of Girl, Wash Your Face. In my head, Rach and I are BFFs (Rachel, if you ever read this- hi and THANK YOU). I start my days Monday-Friday with Rachel's Instagram live.
Anyway, they were talking about habits and one of them said something really powerful. They said if you could choose three words to be remembered by, to have on your tombstone, what would they be?
Lawnmower Mama
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
We've all heard of Helicopter parents, right? The overprotective, excessively interested parent that hovers over their child, and swoops in to save them? Recently it seems like a new term is popping up everywhere: "Lawnmower Parent". I informally polled some of my friends and my husband, and no one knew what I was talking about. So let me share what it is and what the heck it has to do with you!
Lawnmower Moms (or dads, or whomever) are the new Helicopter Mom of 2018.
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